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Name story

Find out what IXDAO means

You probably have been wondering how to pronounce our brand name right?


Let us help you, the right way is:             I (AI) - X (EKS) - DAO (DOW)



The name "IXDAO" for IXDAO INTERNATIONAL is inspired by the Mongol Empire's banner "九斿白纛" (Jiǔyóu Báidào), which translates to "Nine-Striped White Banner." This banner, also known as "查干苏力德" (Chágān Sūlìdé), was historically significant and revered by the Mongol people. The name "IXDAO" is derived from this concept, with "IX" representing the Roman numeral for nine, and "DAO" reflecting the Chinese pronunciation of the character 纛.

According to Professor Ma Ji from the College of Humanities at Inner Mongolia University, in his book "Biography of Genghis Khan," the historical significance of the "九斿白纛" is profound. In the spring of 1206 AD, during the significant "Kurultai" assembly held on the upper reaches of the Onon River, Genghis Khan established his empire. During this assembly, he raised the striking white banner with nine stripes, which became known as "九斿白纛" or "九足白纛."


The Mongols regarded white as an auspicious color and nine as a lucky number. The banner, believed to embody the army's guardian spirit (Sulde), was revered and used in ceremonies before and after battles to invoke protection and ensure victory.

Interestingly, "IXDAO" also means "military flag" in the basque language, adding an additional layer of meaning to the name.

Many of our friends were initially puzzled by the name IXDAO. However, once they learned about its rich heritage and deep historical significance, they shared in our passion and appreciation for this unique legacy.


We hope you too will embrace the story behind IXDAO. The rest, as they say, is history.

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